This kit will unlock a redeemable kit option in the /kit menu in-game. Redeemable every 12 hours.
- Customize any sign using /sil or /sili
- You will receive 12 homes instead of 3.
- Your cooldown for /home is reduced to 30 seconds (default 60).
- Your cooldown for /tpr is reduced to 30 seconds (default 60).
- You will receive $180 every 10 minutes in-game instead of $100.
- Respawn with full health, food and water.
- Receive an 80% refund on resources using /remove (default 60%)
Kit includes:
- x46,000 Stone
- x46,000 Wood
- x6,500 Cloth
- x3,500 Leather
- x14,000 Low Grade Fuel
- x15,000 Sulfur
- x22,500 Charcoal
- x25,000 Metal Fragments
- x2,500 High Quality Metal
- x2 Supply Drops
- 1,500 Scrap
- x10 CCTV Camera
- x10 Targeting Computer
- x15 SMG Bodies
- x15 Assault Rifle Bodies
- x3 Holographic Sights
- 3x Extended Magazine
- x3 Laser Sight
- x3 8x Sight
- x600 Rifle Ammo
- x600 SMG Ammo
Other items:
- x3 Metal Face Mask
- x3 Metal Chest Plate
- x3 Roadsign Kilt
- x3 Hoodie
- x3 Tactical Gloves
- x1 Military Backpack
- x3 Assault Rifle (AK)
- x3 Bolt Action Rifle
- x3 HMLMG
- x3 MP5
- x25 Medical Syringe
- x25 Large Med Kit
- x3 Pure Ore Tea
- x3 Pure Scrap Tea
- x3 Pure Max Health Tea